Sweet savage love by rosemary rogers free pdf download

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Die Gespielin des Sultans. Doch das. The ending of part four and then as we move onto Part five is where most of you are going to want to bow out, trigger warnings for rape and sexual trauma are grossly abundant. As I said, Ginny made a deal with the French guy, but it's a rape scene and then the next day Tom comes to take her as the French guy thinks he'll transport her to him but Tom decides to keep her and Ginny is then gang raped and made a camp follower where she daily is assaulted and sometimes sold by Tom to other men.

Look, can rape and the trauma from it be done well in romance stories? Is it done well here? Ginny just isn't a well enough developed character for the gravity of this to work. It doesn't come off salacious, which, thank goodness, but the way her character has been a pretty empty vessel up to this point, makes this very cringing to read in a romance genre story that I'm mostly reading for emotional love and some historical adventure. In a mental breakdown, Ginny ends up killing Tom and winds up in the arms of Michel, a previous French soldier admiring of hers.

Anyway, if you wanted to skip part five all together, I wouldn't blame you. Part six has Ginny being labeled a French courtesan and Michel's mistress. We get some real historical names and told Ginny parades around with them and brief mentions of the war. Another solider enters the picture, Miguel, and while Ginny is now Michel's mistress, he's off fighting the war, and Miguel thinks he must have Ginny. Miguel was actually a character I would have liked to know more about, about the only character that intrigued me.

Ginny doesn't really care because she loved Steve and now that he's dead, she doesn't care what happens to her I'd say it's all the trauma but what do I know? Miguel is the one to finally reveal a secret to Ginny. Steve Morgan was alive only because his body insisted upon survival. It was as simple as that.

What a reveal! The pov then shifts to Steve and we get to learn all about his trauma now. What fun! This is also where my Kindle decided to stop saving my notes, so it's going to be fast and probably vague from here on out.

Instead of being killed, Steve was taken to the mines the French guy might be wily but he's no liar! His identity gets revealed and they decide to move him from the mines to building railroads. He goes from horrific conditions to awful. He also serendipitously sees Ginny riding by and smiling with Michel, he's all in with his theory that she set him up and his hatred is white hot.

Miguel somehow learns where he is and while he's telling Ginny Steve is alive, he's having Steve and a couple other prisoners moved to a home to help rebuild a wall.

Stay with me. There Steve has his own mental breakdown and kills a guard while the other prisoners kill the other guards. The woman who owns the home turns out to be his godmother and she recognizes his blue eyes and spares his life. He ends up banging his godmother thought I forgot abut that, didn't you? We then go back to Ginny and how she's Miguel's mistress now so she can get info on Steve.

She ends up meeting Bishop, the one who recruited Steve for the spy ring and blackmailing him to send her to Steve. Part seven has her showing up at the house Steve has been staying at and while he's not there, his childhood friend is and Ginny loses her mind over the other woman.

Here is finally where Ginny's character got interesting and she took action and instead of being an empty vessel for things to happen to, she shows emotion and autonomy. She knife fights for her man, as one does, and kicks the other woman out. Steve shows up and still thinking she betrayed him, strangles her, but stops before he kills her and you guessed it, they have sex. There's a, umm, interesting scene, I guess you'd call it, where Ginny holds a knife to Steve's throat and makes him undress because she thinks to break through his anger and show him she loves and didn't betray him by having sex with him.

Steve then precedes to blame her for all the men that raped her, leaves, has a trauma inducing return to the mines he was a prisoner at that also gives him a clarity breakthrough and he decides that while he's still angry that so many men had Ginny, he also can kind of see how it wasn't her fault and he loves her. Stand-up guy, I tell ya. Most of this book only takes place over a year, which is wild to think about because so much happens to Ginny and Steve but so much is just meandering on the pages.

There's historical names and the occasional events listed but the vast majority is to the side and for all the traveling these two do, I thought the setting and places were underused, never really felt their destinations.

Ginny is 21 and Steve 29 when this book ends and I know their story continues on, so maybe some of the growing they did here would be paid off in the next but I probably won't be continuing on.

At no point did I believe in their love, Steve wants her in the beginning because of her beauty and he's a bangboi, Ginny is young and anger intrigued by him and ready to lose her virginity, sort of. He kidnaps her, she has to depend on him for survival, then trauma for everyone, then it's decided that they both love each other. Not enough history or love for me in this one.

View all 14 comments. Jul 27, Marcie rated it it was amazing. The book that started it all. Everyone's first modern romance novel they read in the 70s at age or thereabouts.

Who can forget Ginny and Steve. Love to see everyone giving it either 1-star or 5! The granddaddy of all romance novels deserves nothing less than an extreme, high-drama reaction. Yes, it said the "F-word" and the hero rapes the heroine and she loves it what the hell is he supposed to do after he's ripped her bodice? Hell, yes, rape and sex are about power and exactly The book that started it all.

Hell, yes, rape and sex are about power and exactly who does hold it? And give it? Will never forget in the so-called big rape scene, how Steve whispers in French Ginny doesn't know he can speak her language to this point about the "little death", which is the French word for an orgasm. As he is shattering atop her, whispering that she is killing him, she stabs him with her hidden knife. Who's got the metaphorical penis here? THE classic. Where is my old dog-eared copy? View all 5 comments.

Sep 09, Michelle rated it did not like it. I tried, I really did. I wanted to see what the fuss was about. WTF is romantic about this story? The part where he rapes her? Or the part where he slaps her? How about the part where he washes her mouth out with soap? It's where he keeps calling her a whore. OMFG no thank you.

I love bodice rippers but I kind of like the hero to not be a masochistic ass-wipe. View all 7 comments. Shelves: abducted , rape , forced-seduction , man-whore , gangbang-party-favor , bad-ass-heroine , library-book , violence-torture-gore , favorites , stalkerific-alpha.

I feel as if I've been run over by a steamroller! I found this book to be very emotionally intense. There was even a point in the book when I asked myself " Can I continue to read this? Mix in a little smuggling, war, espionage, adultery, torture and a lot of rape. All of this takes place in Paris, the US, Wow! All of this takes place in Paris, the US, and Mexico.

There are a lot of overwhelming secondary characters too such as mercenaries, prostitutes, french officers, gypsy dancers and a very unfortunate love slave. This story isn't for the faint of heart. It was shocking and downright cruel. Through it all, I loved the characters. Steve was a sadistic cheating jerk that I wanted to slap upside the head yet he would show brief moments of humanity.

Ginny became one of my all time favorite favorite female characters. She evolved so much through out this book and I admired the strength she showed after all the horrific events she had to endure. I would not recommend this book to all readers because it seamed more horrific than tender, but it was an amazing roller coaster ride!! View all 4 comments. Aug 05, Naksed rated it it was ok Shelves: 19th-century , ow-om-drama , hero-is-a-big-fat-jerk , dub-con , insane-in-the-membrane , historical-romance , manwhore-gets-the-virgin , marriage-of-convenience , non-con , bodice-ripper.

The dysfunctional relationship between two batshit protagonists was initially a hoot to read but in the end, the story was overlong. I had to drag myself through the horrors of the last quarter and I was glad to leave both of them on the last page. View all 17 comments. I'm starting the New Year off right with some fabulous buddy-reads.

A friend of my parents had this book, and when we saw it at their house my mom knowingly said "Steve and Ginny. A few years later I tracked the book down and devoured I'm starting the New Year off right with some fabulous buddy-reads. A few years later I tracked the book down and devoured it. It was like none of the other romance novels I'd ever read.

So much passion and hatred! Reeling from the impact, I described the entire book to a friend of mine while eating lunch at Panda Express, which I'm sure she really enjoyed. I never read another Rosemary Rogers book, afraid it wouldn't be as good. Anyway, I still enjoyed this a lot on my second read, but now that I'm older and more cynical, I wasn't as breathlessly rapt as when I read it in my early twenties.

While the first three parts of the book were really good, the story started to drag in the fourth. THEN Rogers puts you through the wringer while torturing her characters. But I actually love that she isn't afraid to torture them. Too often, the hero or heroine of a romance novel is spared any real, lasting damage.

Or they escape just before something really bad happens. And holy crap, do Steve and Ginny suffer. They put each other through it, others put them through it, and they do it to themselves. I'm not even convinced they stop suffering after the story is over, and I've seen reviews of the second book that confirm they suffer there too. Rogers writes in a way that's easy to read, although riddled with grammatical errors that don't necessarily look like errors she loves semi-colons.

This is one romance that defies the term, and is definitely not for the faint of heart. View all 18 comments. This book is a very hard read. There are harsh scenes that you rarely see. It's difficult to shock me, but I found my jaw dropped numerous times. The author was fantastic.

It was very well written and put together. I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 because there was so little positive to offset all the horrible things that happened and because it's LONG. Definitely worth the read, though, if you have the stomach. View all 8 comments. I've had it on my to read shelf for a while now but was always intimidated to read it since I've heard far and wide about the abuse the heroine had to endure.

I admit I was a wuss before, but I am a wuss no longer! The verbal sparring and fighting between Ginny and Steve was off the charts! They were a bunch of nut jobs and I loved it! Steve Morgan is a rake, and I don't mean the type of rake that everyone says is a rake because he has a mistress, but deep down inside he's a pussycat because he doesn't sleep with virgins.

I mean Steve Morgan is the kind of rake that has no compunction about sleeping with virgins or cheating, no compunction about tonguing another woman moments after getting married, no compunction about installing his mistress in his wifey's house, where she has to cut the other woman to get her the hell out.

You heard me right - CUT. Don't feel sorry for Ginny though because my girl is no pushover. Steve has his hands full with trying to tame her. She gives as good as she gets! She is now safely installed as one of my favorite heroines. So like I said before, this book was a little scary to read because even though I love me some bodice rippers, my poor little heart can't take it when the heroine gets ganged raped by every single dude she come across and suffers constantly, but I was expecting it, so I was ready for it.

What happened to me was a turn of events that maybe only Rosemary Rogers can explain. At around 70 percent, I encountered the first rape scene. Poor Ginny was only trying to save the ungrateful Steve's life by offering herself to one of the bad guys ok, so maybe it wasn't really rape since she offered herself, but still so I shed a tear and told myself that it would be over soon.

When it was over I felt okay and thought I was doing really good because I still wanted to read the book, but what I didn't realize was that it was not over at all. What I didn't realize was that she was going to be gang raped by three other men who would eventually turn her into a whore for months and months traveling along with them as their soldader.

Oh how it hurt me to see her go through such degradation! I cried, I went into work complaining, I swore I would stop reading the book and give it one big fat star because it was the worst book in all of creation!! But then I found myself constantly thinking about what would happen next and I couldn't resist picking it back up Just to read a few more pages mind you But then the bastard that bought Ginny so low got what he deserved, and she fell on her feet again and became the country's most famous courtesan and I couldn't turn away!

While the wide-open land may boast a rugged je ne sais quol,it's a certain insolent man in uniform who is the first irritation ofher new life--and an irresistible lure to her heart.

Captain Jake Braden has little tolerance for a fancy rich lady, ill-prepared for the rigors of a territory life with danger. He may have to escort the city miss from New Orleans to New Mexico, but he doesn't plan any concessions for his charge's delicate sensibilities.

Yet when they finally arrive at the hacienda, Jake wants to protect Angela from the shock of meeting Rita And Rita is claiming to be his fiancee! But the sapphire sparks of defiance shooting from Angela's eyes and her breathless fury will challenge his cool indifference--until the savage western skies kindle their passion into a liquid fire that roars out of control.

The fire of their passion sparks as Steve and Ginny reunite in London. Their years apart have taken a toll, but nothing can change the fierce emotion that burns between the two.

The lovers have made a pact to look beyond the hurts of yesterday and look toward their future -- their future as a family. But the dark treacheries of the past have called Steve back to Mexico to finally put an end to some unfinished business. Determined not to lose Steve again, Ginny travels with him into the heart of the land that holds both nightmarish memories of grave peril and those of the most bittersweet joy.

As they fight to overcome forces that would try to separate them once and for all, Steve and Ginny must learn to find strength in one another and trust in the power of their love.

They have money, power and arrogance--and the world is theirs. Beautiful and unspoiled, Sara Coleville knows she can play their game.

Now her fine-bred defiance and brazen masquerades have excited Marco Marcantoni--enflaming the hot-blooded duke's most shameles passions and wildest desires. He vows he will have her, in secrecy and seclusion--to use until all his needs are satisfied. But Sara's innocence is deceptive. And it is she who must ultimately prevail in this world where wealth makes love easy Gorgeous, captivating, the object of every man's desire, Eve Mason's dreams of super model stardom have lured her into the California world of glamour and the media--where pleasure is an addictive drug But the whirlpool of lies and betrayals will not drag her under--even as it pulls her into the web of a dangerous lover.

Because Eve is determined to taste the one fruit sweeter than wealth and fame: tender, uninhibited love. Beautiful, golden-haired Marisa and dashing Dominic Challenger brave intrigue, captivity, and revolution in the age of Napoleon and experience the heights and depths of passion and love. Author : William A. Since the s, romance novels have surpassed all other genres in terms of popularity in the United States, accounting for half of all mass market paperbacks sold and driving the digital publishing revolution.


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