Products 72 Special Topics 41 Video Hub Most Active Hubs Microsoft Teams. Security, Compliance and Identity. Microsoft Edge Insider. Azure Databases. Autonomous Systems. Education Sector. Microsoft Localization.
Microsoft PnP. Healthcare and Life Sciences. Internet of Things IoT. Enabling Remote Work. Follow these steps to install it:.
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sign in. Forgot your password? Get help. Password recovery. Home Software. Top 5 Free Daemon Tools Alternative in Best Intellivision Emulator Picks of What Controllers Work With Steam? I really hope it is useful! These apparently used to come as lp.
An example command below:. The next key bit is to configure the locale dropdown settings in the Apply Windows settings step as French. Configuring this step will give you a completely localised system as fr-fr. Windows startup, the logon UI, input locale, format, everything. Every element in the UI possible is localised to French. It is a known documented fact that if you install anything that is language specific, such as a LP, then the latest cumulative update will want to reinstall again.
The order of install matters. First add LPs, FoDs and then apps in that order. If you install a cumulative update before any of those, then the update will want reinstalling. In summary, the InstallLanguage issue is caused by what we just did by using en-us install media, installing fr-fr LP and then setting the System Locale to be fr-fr during Windows Setup via unattend. Remember, my scenario throughout this post is to use en-us base install media, and attempt to localise the system as fr-fr.
Some of the above could be costly one way or another. It could mean more storage server side, more steps in your task sequence or saturated links. Take your pick. In which case keep reading…. I know I said LP offers complete translation of the whole UI, which is true, however there are scenarios when you need further translation. A good example of this is this Twitter thread I had with Manel Rodero. Manel needs Windows 10 with Catalan language. This is where LXPs come in and why there is the concept of primary and secondary languages with Windows They are in.
I think you can also export them from your Store for Business? If you block the Store then you prohibit your devices and users from receiving translation improvements. The post is OK. I was also disappointed and confused to see what it felt like a hack being used to set the default language to that of the LXP using control.
Note: this is not a dig at the author. I am hugely grateful for the community contribution. It offers excellent insight with examples. You can find them here. Standard users can only add a new display language themselves. The redesigned language configuration page offers two options for interactive installation. First, you can download an LP from the store by clicking on the corresponding link.
Secondly, you can reach this goal by clicking on the plus symbol under Add a language. Both options for adding languages in the app settings lead to the same result. The result for both methods is obviously the same. Only the language you place at the top of the list is the preferred language and will determine the appearance of applications.
All others are just additional languages. Thus, early builds for Windows 10 20H1 will only show one language in this list. In addition, since Windows 10 , it is possible to set the display language separately from the default language for applications and websites.
Current previews of Windows 10 20H1 divide the language configuration even further and allow you to select the language for voice input independently. Previews of Windows 10 20H1 allow a separate configuration of different language settings.
Windows Server got stuck halfway during the transition from. While you could still add an LP in the Settings app with version , this procedure does not work anymore. Downloading an LP from the store is not possible because the store app is missing here. After adding a language, it is missing for the GUI localization. If you want to install an LP this way, you will get the optional features, but the corresponding display language is missing. Even if you see a Download button for the LP on the options page, it won't work.
Instead, you should add an LP as a. Subscribe to 4sysops newsletter! It is generally available and not bound to a volume license as it is on the client. The installation then occurs via lpksetup. Want to write for 4sysops? We are looking for new authors. Read 4sysops without ads and for free by becoming a member! Compared to Windows 10, Windows 11 has very stringent install and upgrade requirements that must be met.
To help With the release of Windows 11, Microsoft has made it easier than ever to perform an in-place upgrade from For more than 20 years, Windows Server has been Microsoft's on-prem platform for delivering IT infrastructure and applications.
Security baselines are groups of preconfigured Windows settings that are recommended by Microsoft. Compliance policies configure rules and settings It now supports Learn how to manage on-premises and remote worker security patching, application, and device control, as well as vulnerability scanning This protocol, which is